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Great Lakes NewsNews

10 Teams Work To Fight Algae

By May 31, 2018No Comments

Thanks to the Everglades Foundation, 10 teams of scientists and engineers from around the world are racing to solve one of the most critical challenges facing the planet: The need to reduce algae-causing high levels of phosphorus in our rivers and lakes.

The 10 teams — from Canada, China, the Netherlands and the United States — are each hoping to win The Everglades Foundation’s $10 million George Barley Water Prize, an incentive award sponsored by Scott’s Miracle-Gro that is now in its third year. Many competitors entered but only 10 teams remain. These teams are now testing their technologies in the Lake Simcoe Watershed, north of Toronto, Canada. The four most promising technologies will move on to Florida, where their methodologies will undergo full-scale testing over 14 months.

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