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$3.6 Million Awarded for Invasive Species Projects

By March 10, 2022No Comments


The State of Michigan has awarded 31 projects a total of $3.6 million through the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program to help address prevention, detection, eradication and control of aquatic and terrestrial invasive species in the state.

This year’s grantees were asked to commit to providing at least a 10% match of their total project cost, with the total match coming to $541,500, bringing a total investment of $4,141,500 to the projects.

The Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program was implemented by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development; Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; and Natural Resources, and has four key objectives: The prevention of the introduction of new invasive species; strengthening statewide invasive species early detection and response network; limiting spread of recently confirmed invasive species; and managing and controlling widespread, established invasive species.

This cycle of funding marks the eighth year of funding for invasive species management, and will go towards a range of efforts targeting aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, the support of 21 regional cooperative invasive species management areas, and more. To learn more and for a full list of grant recipients, visit

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