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7,000-mile Great Lakes Coastal Trail to Become Reality

By June 14, 2014No Comments

If you’ve ever wanted to travel to the most desolate, breathtaking corners of the Great Lakes region, well, now you can — all while peddling a bicycle or paddling a kayak.

On May 15-16, cyclists, kayakers, and regional planning and governmental officials gathered in Saugatuck, Michigan to attend the Great Lakes Coastal Trail Conference. The goal was to develop a multi-modal, 7,000-mile coastal trail around the shoreline of all five Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River. The trail will be in-water and on land, welcoming kayaks, bicycles, motor vehicles, and, of course, anyone who wants to get some good ol’ exercise on foot while taking in the beauty of the Great Lakes.

For more information, visit

Photo courtesy of Ken Braband