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EPA Announces Trash-Free Great Lakes Grant Program

By July 27, 2019No Comments

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a new Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) grant program to help make the Great Lakes trash-free. The new Trash-Free Great Lakes Grant Program will be accepting applicants starting in October. 

About $2 million in funding — with a maximum grant amount of $500,000 per project — will be given to applicants that focus on Great Lakes beach and shoreline cleaning projects; Great Lakes harbor and river cleanup projects; or Great Lakes trash and litter prevention and education projects.

“Removing trash, litter and garbage — including plastics — from marine and freshwater environments is one of EPA’s highest priorities,” says Andrew Wheeler, the EPA administrator. “The Trash-Free Great Lakes Grant Program is intended to fund efforts by communities and other applicants to clean up beaches and waterways so that the Great Lakes watershed will continue to provide habitat for wildlife and drinking water and recreation for tens of millions of people.”

To learn more about the program, visit

Photo courtesy of gaelanradfae/Flickr.