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It’s National Safe Boating Week!

By May 16, 2019No Comments

To kick off the boating season with safety in mind, the National Safe Boating Council and its partners are promoting National Safe Boating Week (May 18-24).

In 2017, 658 boating-related deaths were reported in the U.S. by the Coast Guard, and the National Safe Boating Council and its partners are hoping this week will help reduce that number.

One of the main messages being promoted this week is to always wear your life jacket!

“We are excited to join forces with partners around the world to encourage everyone to wear a life jacket when on the water and always boat responsibly because the best boating experience is a safe boating experience,” says Peg Phillips, the executive director of the National Safe Boating Council.

Friday’s Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day started off the week, followed with local events. Box sets of safety documents are also available to download or be shipped.

The Safe Boating Campaign has shared a list of easy safety tips:

  • Take a boating safety course
  • Wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket
  • Watch the weather
  • No distracted boating
  • Travel at safe speeds
  • Never boat under the influence
  • Have more than one communication device that works when wet
  • For more information about the week and to order a box set, visit