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National Museum of the Great Lakes Gets New Boat

By January 18, 2019No Comments

A new boat has docked at the National Museum of the Great Lakes: The Ohio. 

The Ohio is a Lake Class Tugboat formerly owned by the Great Lakes Towing Company, which donated the tug to the museum for display at its location on the east bank of the Maumee River. The Ohio will join the museum’s other riverfront ship attraction: The Col. James M. Schoonmaker. 
“After finally reaching the end of her useful commercial life, we are delighted that the famous tug Ohio has found a new home at the museum,” says Joseph Starck, Jr., president of the Great Lakes Towing Company. “Built in 1903 as a fireboat, and in our fleet as a key icebreaking tug since 1952, the tug is rich in history with a wonderful story to tell,” 
The Ohio is undergoing an exterior restoration but will be open to the public come spring. 
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