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Volvo to Launch a Self-Docking Solution in 2020

By June 21, 2018No Comments

Autonomous and self-docking systems could be making their way to your local marina in the near future. The Volvo Group in Gothenburg, Sweden has unveiled a self-docking system in a live demonstration featuring a 68-foot yacht.

“Docking is one of the most challenging boat handling maneuvers — getting it wrong can be embarrassing, expensive and precarious,” says the president of Volvo Penta, Bjorn Ingemanson. “Our IPS system has already taken great strides in making docking easier, and this new self-docking feature takes that process one important stage further.”

The new technology is similar to the self-parking feature in vehicles. Surround sensors alert the captain to avoid a collision, but captains still need to be behind the wheel in case they need to intervene.

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