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Boat Sales and Spending in 2017 Break Records

By May 31, 2018No Comments

The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) released data that shows spending on new boats, engines, trailers, accessories, and services reached $39 billion in 2017 — an all-time high. New powerboat sales went up 5 percent in 2017 compared to 2016 to approximately 262,000 new powerboats sold — the highest rate in a decade.

Outboard boats, including pontoons, aluminum and fiberglass fishing boats and small fiberglass cruising boats, represented 85 percent of all new powerboats sold. Almost one million pre-owned boats were sold in 2017, the highest number since 2006. Sales of small sterndrive boats, or ones with engines partially in an out of the vessel, were also up 5 percent from 2016.

“As the strong economy continues to bolster new boat sales and boating expenditures, capital spending and manufacturer optimism are at record highs, creating one of the strongest periods on record for the U.S. boating industry, and buyers’ paradise with more boats and more options on the market,” says NMMA president Thom Dammrich.

To view more statistics on 2017’s boating industry, visit