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WI Gov. Pulls Marine Sanctuary Nomination

By March 8, 2018No Comments

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has decided to pull a nomination to make an area off the coast of Wisconsin in Lake Michigan a National Marine Sanctuary. The designation would have given dozens of offshore shipwrecks federal protections.

Walker sent a letter to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration saying he was rescinding the nomination due to concerns of citizens and elected officials. He goes on to say he believes a National Marine Sanctuary status would add too much unnecessary bureaucratic red tape around the shipwrecks. In the letter, he notes that the state has been able to take care of the shipwrecks so far with its current regulations.

Proponents of the designation have expressed surprise but continued optimism that Lake Michigan could still gain the Sanctuary status, which has been pushed by many area mayors and local governments.

[Photo from anttler/Flickr.]