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EPA Excludes Lake Erie From List of Ohio’s Impaired Waters

By July 31, 2017No Comments

In May, the EPA issued a letter approving Ohio EPA’s impaired waters list; the list, however, excluded the open waters of Lake Erie, which have been plagued by harmful algal blooms. Michigan had previously included the open waters of Lake Erie on its impaired waters list.

“The waters of the Great Lakes are the most critical asset we have,” says Dan Eichinger, executive director of Michigan United Conservation Clubs in a statement. “We are disappointed in the EPA decision to all Ohio to keep the status quo. Michigan can’t address Lake Erie’s issues alone. There must be a collective action and commitment to solve it.”

Under the Clean Water Act, every two years states submit a list of impaired waters to the EPA, which the agency must by law accept or deny within 30 days. The process is instrumental in helping local communities, states, and the nation identify unhealthy waters so actions can be taken to improve the health of rivers, lakes and streams.

Photo courtesy of NOAA