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Great Lakes NewsNews

Video Discusses Impact of Asian Carp on Businesses

By July 19, 2017No Comments

Concern about the spread of Asian carp in the U.S. has plagued Great Lakes boaters, fishermen and business owners for years. Especially with the discovery of a silver carp beyond electric barriers just miles from Chicago and Lake Michigan, the concern that Asian carp will invade the Great Lakes isn’t going away anytime soon.

And for good reason: The spread of Asian carp to the Great Lakes could have ecological and even economic impacts on the entire region. A video by the National Wildlife Federation demonstrates the impact Asian carp could have on local businesses.

The video features Ward Walstrom of Walstrom Marine in Harbor Springs and Cheboygan, Michigan. In it, Walstrom discusses the potential impact Asian carp could have on the $16 billion recreational boating industry in the Great Lakes.

Check out the video below or visit to learn more.