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DownAlert PSD

By July 19, 2017No Comments

On busy summer weekends on the lake, it is vital to have eyes out for downed tubers, skiers and wakeboarders. The new DownAlert PSD aims to solve the problem of visibility. This highly visible personal signaling device is worn on the arm of the watersports participant, who then can raise the flag when unattended in the water. The flag signals to other boats that a person is down in the water.

“I always felt that my children – and now my grandchildren – needed to have an extra layer of safety and visibility when they fell in the water while tubing or skiing,” says creator Denise Pitlyk. “We used life jackets and skier-down flags, but there was nothing actively alerting other boaters to exactly where my daughters were in the water. As a mother, that was too risky for me. The device I created provides a visible signal for these participants, as well as peace-of-mind for parents like me.“

The device comes in four sizes for adults and children, and retails for $29.99. For more information, visit