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Freshwater Summit to Discuss Local Waters, Communities

By April 25, 2017No Comments

This May, the Freshwater Lab, an initiative that focuses on water issues in the Great Lakes, will be hosting “Untrouble the Waters,” a two-day summit on Great Lakes water issues and legislation. The Freshwater Lab is a University of Illinois-Chicago organization and will host the summit with the support of the McDougal Family Foundation, the Mott Foundation and the Alliance for the Great Lakes.

Untrouble the Waters aims to bring together local leaders, politicians and researchers in order to brainstorm and launch initiatives for local communities and watersheds. Organizers plan to discuss topics such as the future of the Clean Water Act and Clean Water Rule, aging infrastructure, algal blooms, lead poisoning and water shutoffs.

The summit also aims to bring communities together, with goals such as exploring equitable water sharing as a means of racial reconciliation and economic development, and conceiving projects to enhance water quality, human health and everyday life.

The Untrouble the Waters summit will take place May 10–11 at the UIC Student Center East Meeting Rooms. To learn more or to RSVP, visit: