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Competition Invites Public to ‘Hack Water’

By February 21, 2017No Comments

Electronics and water don’t usually mix, but at the Erie Hack Water Data and Engineering Hackathon they do! TechTown Detroit, a business incubator, hosted a local “Erie Hack” contest on February 23.

The Erie Hack competition aims to bring together developers, coders, engineers and water experts in order to come up with new technology, ideas and solutions to solve challenges facing Lake Erie and to build “the Blue Economy.” Similar competitions are taking place in Buffalo, Cleveland, Windsor and Toledo: eight finalist teams from these competitions will compete at the Erie Hack Water Innovation Summit in Cleveland in May with the chance to win $100,000 and accelerator services.

Participants can form teams of up to five people. TechTown has said it plans to do additional work with teams that show promise as well. High school students to seasoned professionals are invited to participate. The Hack is being sponsored by the Cleveland Water Alliance, DigitalC and GE.

For more information, check out