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U.S. Senate Passes Bill for Great Lakes Funding

By December 14, 2016No Comments

According to the Duluth News Tribune, the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, which will fund cleanup efforts in the Great Lakes for five more years and help Flint, Michigan pay for an upgraded water system, is one step away from becoming law.

The paper reports that the U.S. Senate passed the $12 billion act on December 11 and is on its way to President Barack Obama’s desk. The bill authorizes the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative for five more years at a cost of $300 million each year. This initiative funds projects that reduce farm and city runoff, fight invasive species and clean up toxic pollution, as well as fish and wildlife habitat. The bill also approves of $170 million in aid for the drinking water crisis in Flint.
[Photo by Erik Drost/Flickr]