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Presidential Candidates Support Great Lakes Restoration Initiative

By September 27, 2016No Comments

No matter your political leanings, Great Lakes advocates can rest assured that the next president should keep the Great Lakes in mind. At the Healing Our Waters-Great Lakes Coalition’s 12th annual Great Lakes restoration conference in Sandusky, Ohio in September, representatives from both the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump campaigns said they would support the federal Great Lakes Restoration Initiative if elected.

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative was launched in 2010 with the aim of protecting and restoring the Great Lakes and the ecosystems that rely on them. Over the past seven years, Congress has invested more than $2.2 billion through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative to support thousands of projects in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. These projects have restored more than 150,000 acres of fish and wildlife habitat, accelerated the cleanup of toxic hotspots, and helped farmers implement conservation programs, among other things.

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The presentation of each campaign representative is available below:

Clinton campaign:

Trump campaign: