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Newest Glass Cockpit Offers Smart Tech

By February 18, 2016No Comments

If you like to be on the cutting-edge of technology, it’s time to check out the newest generation of Glass Cockpit, a creation of Volvo Penta and Garmin. The Glass Cockpit is “smart” technology for your boat: It’s an advanced monitoring and control system to foster an easy-boating experience.

The Glass Cockpit’s defining feature is its ability to integrate multiple systems — from navigation, to the propulsion system, to the cabin environment — into a single, easy-to-use interface. The newest line of Glass Cockpits feature fully-customizable layouts, which allow boaters to tailor the display with the info they want to see, and a greater range of display sizes. Other functions include Autopilot, a Dynamic Positioning System, Interceptors and Sportfish Mode.

The Glass Cockpit can be used on any size or type of leisure boat, and is amenable to both veteran and new boaters.

To learn more, visit