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Gevo, ValvTect Collaboration Brings Renewable Fuel to 700+ Marinas

By November 10, 2015No Comments

Advancements in renewable energy and fuel aren’t just for cars: soon, a renewable fuel blend could be coming to a marina near you. Last week, Gevo, Inc., a renewable technology, chemical products and biofuels company, announced a series of successful tests with ValvTect Petroleum Products, a supplier of marine fuel additives. The two companies have collaborated to create a renewable isobutanol fuel blend, which will be available at ValvTect-branded marinas.

Currently, ValvTect is used at over 700 marinas, which the company believes is over half the marinas in the country. ValvTect and Gevo also hope their partnership will allow them to expand to additional marinas as well.

The collaboration comes after a series of tests between the two companies, which combined clear (ethanol-free) gasoline with 16 percent isobutanol and ValvTect’s marine fuel additive. The companies claim that data from the tests found the combination compatible, and also indicated that the blend provides higher energy content than ethanol blends, prevents moisture absorption and phase separation, and reduces engine corrosion to create a better fuel for boat engines.

Gevo’s isobutanol has also been endorsed by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA).

“We are impressed with the quality of Gevo’s isobutanol fuel blend,” said Marvin Griffin, president of ValvTect, in a press release. “When combined with ValvTect’s marine fuel additive, you’re looking at a final product that we believe is a superior fuel for boat engines. This is a winning scenario for all parties – ValvTect, Gevo, marinas and boating enthusiasts alike.”

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