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Sea Tow Awarded $220,000 in Grants

By October 16, 2015No Comments
The nonprofit Sea Tow Foundation has been awarded two grants from the Sport Fish Restoration & Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard.

The first grant award of $100,000 will fund the Sea Tow Foundation’s national Designated Skipper campaign in 2016. Launched this spring, the campaign supports the U.S. Coast Guard’s efforts to prevent Boating Under the Influence (BUI) by taking a proactive approach to reminding boaters to either be or Designate a Sober Skipper who will not consume any alcohol while operating a boat and will ensure that all passengers get to and from their destination safely.

The second grant award of $120,000 pays for the continuation of the Sea Tow Foundation Life Jacket Loaner Program, which has distributed more than 29,000 loaner life jackets to boaters since its launch in 2008. Boaters may borrow these life jackets from loaner stands, which are positioned at boat ramps, marinas and other popular boating entry points, to replace missing or ill-fitting PFDs for a safer day on the water.
The Sea Tow Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization created by Sea Tow Founder Capt. Joe Frohnhoefer to promote safe boating practices.
“These grants will help us continue giving boaters the tools and education they need to stay safe on the water,” says Michael Wesolowski, executive director of the Sea Tow Foundation. “We would like to thank the Sport Fish Restoration & Boating Trust Fund and the Coast Guard for recognizing and supporting these important boating safety programs.”

For more information, visit


Photo Credit: Jeremy Frechette