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Great Lakes NewsNews

St. Lawrence Seaway Gets $7 Billion Makeover

By March 2, 2015No Comments

The “Highway H20,” also known as the St. Lawrence Seaway, is undergoing a major renovation — $7 billion worth.

A new study commissioned by a coalition of U.S. and Canadian Great Lakes-Seaway maritime industry stakeholders found that the important transportation and trade waterway has undergone nearly $7 billion worth of renovations.

According to the study, more than $4.8 billion was invested in navigation systems between 2009 and 2013, and another $2.3 billion will be spent by 2018. 
Improvements include new docks, terminals, locks and freighters on the 2,342-mile seaway, connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.

Photo by Kunal Makherjee