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Chicago E15 Mandate Debate Delayed

By February 2, 2015No Comments

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel delayed Alderman Ed Burke’s ethanol bill that would require city gas stations to offer E15, gasoline that contains a 15 percent ethanol blend.

On December 8, 2014, the Chicago City Council postponed Chicago’s E15 Consumers Choice Ordinance 02014-5037. Emanuel stated that the bill “needs more work,” before it could pass, according to an article published in the Chicago Tribune.

The E15 plan is widely opposed by boaters due to the damaging effects that fuel additives have on boat engines. In 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a regulation that E15 cannot be used in boats, motorcycles, lawnmowers or cars built before 2001. According to BoatUS, the corrosive nature of high blends of ethanol in gasoline puts more boaters at risk for damages to hoses, gaskets and seals that keep engines running safely.