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Great Lakes NewsNews

Michigan Gets Tough on Drinking and Boating

By December 30, 2014No Comments

Back in 2003, Michigan changed the legal alcohol limit for driving vehicles from 0.10 to 0.08. However, it failed to change the rules for snowmobiles, watercraft and off-road vehicles.

Now, the consequences for driving a boat while drunk just got a little more costly. The Michigan Senate unanimously passed a package of bills that increase the penalties for boating under the influence, while lowering the blood alcohol level allowed from 0.10 to 0.08. The bill is now waiting for Gov. Rick Snyder’s approval.

The bill also would prohibit a person under the age of 21 from operating a recreational vehicle or boat with any level of alcohol; increase the penalties for violations, making it a felony for a third infraction; and increase the operating ban for people who refuse to take the blood alcohol content test from six months to a year.

Photo courtesy of Quinn Dombrowski