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Canoeist Paddles around Fifth Great Lakes

By August 4, 2014No Comments

Ever wonder what the entire stretch of Great Lakes shoreline looks like from the water? Petoskey-native Stephen Brede sure does.

In 2009, the now 63-year old Brede began his guest to paddle around the circumference of each Great Lakes by canoeing around Lake Huron. In 2010, he paddled Lake Michigan, in 2012, Lake Erie and in 2013, Lake Ontario, according to his blog,

Finally, earlier this month, Brede took off on his last adventure — paddling around Lake Superior. He set off on the Fourth of July out of Tettegouche State Park near Silver Lake, Minnesota. He hopes to complete his paddle around the frigid Lake Superior during the summer of 2015, covering a distance of more than 700 miles.

Living out of the legendary canoeist Verlen Kruger’s Seawind, Brede will spend the majority of his trip stopping along at rest points and camping. Using a SPOT tracker, you can follow Brede on his journey around Lake Superior.

For more information, and to follow him on his journey, visit

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