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Great Lakes NewsNews

Lake Superior Finally Ice Free

By June 10, 2014No Comments

It’s finally June, and you’d expect the Great Lakes to be experiencing warm temperatures and perfect boating weather.

However, as of last week, parts of Lake Superior were still covered in ice; about 0.6 percent, according to a recent article published in the Washington Post. There hasn’t been this much ice this late in the year in nearly 40 years, the newspaper report indicated. Ice started forming on Lake Superior as early as November and has lasted into June.

The good news? The ice has finally melted. June 7 became the official ice-out date on Lake Superior, making it the longest ice streak in history, and also the latest into the year.

As you may expect, lake temperatures are still frigid, hovering around the 30-degree mark. Boaters are cautioned to always wear a life jacket and not to swim in extremely cold water.

Photo courtesy of jen-the-librarian/Flickr, taken May 17