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Don’t Let the Cold Get You Into Hot Water

By March 20, 2014No Comments

At Lakeland Boating, we’re all about safe boating. As the ice thaws on the Great Lakes and boaters get spring fever, ensuring safety while on the still-cold water is priority Number One. Here are a few cold-water safety tips to remember when baring the elements in the early boating season. 

Dress Appropriately

Even if the air feels like summer during the early boating season, the water is likely to still feel like winter. Wear thick, waterproof clothing, but avoid cotton material as it absorbs water quickly.

Pack for Emergencies  

Just in case, pack a well-equipped emergency kit that includes blankets, waterproof VHF radio, GPS, EPIRB, extra lifejackets, and plenty of Ziploc bags to keep electronics safe and dry. Remember to pack an extra set of warm, dry clothes and blankets.

Plan Accordingly

If you’re heading out on the water in cold air or water conditions, make sure you file a float plan. Tell others where you’re heading and when you will return. Be aware of weather conditions and brush up on your boaters safety information and preparations.

Photo by Lau Svensson