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Celebrate National Harbormaster Appreciation Day October 8!

By October 3, 2019January 2nd, 2020No Comments

There’s a new special holiday to add to your calendar, boaters! US Harbors has declared October 8 as National Harbormaster Appreciation Day. The new holiday is intended to bring recognition to the vital public servants in coastal communities that often are under-appreciated.

“We wanted to provide a platform for harbormasters to speak about their harbors, the work they do, and what it takes to be a harbormaster,” says Anastasia Fischer, president of US Harbors. “We hope that by spreading awareness of this position, people will take an interest in their local harbormaster and hear the stories that these often colorful individuals have to tell.”

With the day being registered with the National Day Archive, Harbormasters will now receive a thank you letter and certificate of appreciation. Tag posts on social media about your local harbormaster with #harbormasterday2019.

To learn more about this new holiday, visit

Photo of Samantha Parker of Sandwich, MA courtesy of US Harbors.