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Great Lakes NewsNews

Toronto Invests $3B to Improve Waterways

By February 28, 2020No Comments

In December, Toronto officials announced that the city would begin construction on the tunnel boring for the Coxwell Bypass Tunnel, which will be 20 feet in diameter and 6.5 miles long. This project is the first stage of the Don River and Central Waterfront Wet Weather Flow System — one of five connected projects to improve water quality in the Lower Don River, Taylor-Massey Creek and along Toronto’s Inner Harbour. Toronto will invest more than $3 billion to keep combined sewer overflows out of the city’s waterways.

“Through this tunnel we can capture and store rain and wastewater and transport it for treatment and disinfection so clean water is released into the lake,” says Toronto Mayor John Tory. “This project is of great importance to our city and the future of our waterways. I am determined to secure the help of the federal and provincial governments to speed up this work so we can see the benefits of this project a decade earlier.”

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