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Shedd Aquarium Pioneers Program to Help Restaurants Cut Plastic Use

By March 3, 2021No Comments


The Shedd Aquarium’s new “Let’s Shedd Plastic” program helps empower local restaurants throughout the Chicago area to be part of the plastic pollution solution by choosing sustainable alternatives.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased the number of plastic waste consumers around the world use — with a startling 40% increase in packaging alone, according to a recent analysis. The aquarium hopes to partner with restaurants to provide support, education and resources to turn those numbers around.

“Through our work at Shedd Aquarium, we know that a catastrophic amount of plastic pollution winds up in our rivers, lakes and oceans and can have devastating impacts on aquatic animals, such as fish and waterfowl, not to mention us humans,” says Jaclyn Wegner, director of conservation action at Shedd Aquarium. “Restaurants are important cornerstones and leaders in our communities, and we are eager to work with them to tackle plastic pollution. Substituting disposable plastics with more sustainable options in their operations can be a win-win for their bottom line and for the planet.”

Through the new program, collaborating restaurants agree to make a commitment to evaluate their plastic use and make sustainable changes where possible. In turn, the aquarium’s in-house plastic reduction experts provide support, resources, training and avenues for restaurants to advocate for better sustainable alternatives, as well as tools to help spread awareness and to celebrate restaurant’s commitment to sustainability with their customers.

By doing things like asking if customers need disposable utensils rather than handing them out, or turning to reusable options when possible, restaurants have the chance to not only impact the environment for the better but also save on cost and gain new customers by doing social good.

To join the program or learn more, visit