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Great Lakes Commission Launches Website to Track Lake Erie Algae

By April 6, 2022No Comments

The Great Lakes Commission (GLC) has launched a new website,, that tracks the region’s progress to reduce harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie and stop aquatic invasive species.

The new website was created after years of GLC collaboration with work groups, including representatives of state, provincial and federal governments, as well as the academic, nonprofit and private sectors. The work groups identify available data on specific issues, share information about current efforts, and help to translate those pieces into the information the region’s leaders need when making decisions that impact Great Lakes restoration and protection.

“Connecting scientists and policy experts across sectors is one of the key values this new site is bringing to the region,” says GLC Chair Todd L. Ambs of Wisconsin. “It’s our goal to use data to answer the critical question of how we are doing when it comes to protecting and restoring our Great Lakes.”
