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ACR Electronics’ Return Link Service ResQLink Personal Locator Beacons Now Available in Europe

By November 18, 2021November 20th, 2021No Comments


ACR Electronics next-generation ResQLink Personal Locator Beacons with Return Link Service have been approved by Cospas-Sarsat and are now available for use in Europe. They will be launched in specific countries pending approval, although they are not yet approved in the U.S.

The ResQLink View RLS and ResQLink 410 RLS offer Galileo Global Navigation Satellite System Return Link alerting technology that offers survivors in life-threatening emergencies vital reassurance their distress signal has been received. The ResQLink View RLS is the world’s first PLB that provides users with a clear confirmation message their message and location has been received, and ResQLink 410 RLS offers a confirmation light that a signal has been received.

Offering two-way confirmation between 406 MHz beacon owners and Search and Rescue for the first time, the new technology can only be included in the latest distress beacons that are able to receive Galileo signals, so we are excited to offer one of the first RLS-equipped PLBs to boaters, hikers, pilots, hunters and all outdoor enthusiasts,” says Mikele D’Arcangelo, vice president of Global Marketing and Product Management for ACR Electronics.

“Our PLBs are renowned for featuring award-winning design and functionality to help save more lives and aid the rescue services in locating and helping casualties. Now we can offer the latest innovation in life saving technology to our beacon owners with a confirmation light, or even via a message on our ResQLink View RLS display screen, as reassurance that help is on the way — a significant boost for morale in a life-threatening emergency.

The PLBs operate on the three Cospas-Sarsat satellite systems including the new MEOSAR, and users can expect their beacon to be located within 100 meters, 95% of the time within five minutes of sending a distress message.

Developed to offer more user-friendly features than any other PLB on the market, the ResQLink PLBs don’t require a subscription, but must be registered with the country’s national authority. 

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