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Great Lakes NewsNews

Adopt-a-Beach Welcoming Volunteers

By April 12, 2016No Comments

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your closet: The Great Lakes could use some sprucing up, too. Through the Alliance for the Great Lakes’ Adopt-a-Beach program, boaters can volunteer to clean up local beaches and collect data for beach managers and scientists on beach litter.

The Adopt-a-Beach program began April 1 and runs through Memorial Day (May 30). The program began in 2003 and includes cleanup efforts on all five lakes. Volunteers can be individuals, families, school groups, businesses and community organizations. Adopt-a-Beach usually sees about 15,000 volunteers. To join the ranks this year, boaters can either join an existing cleanup event in their community (check out or create their own event.

To learn more, check out

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