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Apply Now to Coast Guard Foundation Scholarships

By March 6, 2017No Comments

It’s scholarship season at the Coast Guard Foundation: All children of enlisted Coast Guard members may apply for annual scholarships until the deadline on April 15. Scholarships range in amount from $1,000 to $5,000. Children may apply if their enlisted Coast Guard family member is active duty, active duty reserve and/or retired.

“We strive to serve the Coast Guard community and our scholarships are the very core of our support to those who sacrifice so much,” says Susan Ludwig, president of the Coast Guard Foundation. “It’s rewarding to see what these young men and women have done to give back to their community and for those we have already helped, we are so proud of who they have become.”

Last year, the Coast Guard Foundation awarded 128 scholarships. In total, the Foundation has awarded more than $3.8 million to more than 630 students in the last 26 years. Applicants can apply online using a form by Coast Guard Work-Life. Scholarship applicants who are applying to renew their award may fill out a simplified application. 

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