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Army Corps Release Plan to Prevent Asian Carp

By August 9, 2017No Comments

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently published a draft report that explores different strategies for fending off Asian carp at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam near Joliet, Illinois. The aim of the plan is to prevent Asian carp from swimming closer to the Great Lakes.

“It looks like the Corps is planning to make Asian carp run the gauntlet before they could even get to the Brandon Road lock,” said Marc Smith, Great Lakes conservation director for the National Wildlife Federation. “While we are still evaluating the draft report, our initial reaction is that a combination of these options could possibly reduce the chance that an Asian carp gets through at each stage.”

The Army Corps plan includes a combination of structural and non-structural technologies to develop six possible alternatives. The options include taking no additional action, non-structural alternatives, closing the lock totally, and combinations of structural technologies, such as an engineered lock, complex noise, water jets, electric barriers and a flushing lock.

A 45-day open comment period on the plan ends on September 21. There will also be two public meetings on the plan at locations yet to be determined.

Check out the plan for yourself at: