Axopar has added two new boats to its lineup: The Axopar 45 Cross Top (XT) and Sun Top (ST). These 45-foot dayboats offer exciting performance and ride comfort, without forgetting fuel efficiency and a wide cruising speed range.
The new XT and ST models include multiple functional and social spaces onboard, offering many places to relax and entertain. The 45 XT features a wraparound, negative-angle windshield that shelters the front row from the elements while reducing glare. The 45 ST is a fully open boat that has sporty looks and offers clear, uninterrupted views from all around the boat. The boat’s innovative raised balcony doors amidships extends usable seating space without sacrificing safety or comfort onboard.
Both of the Axopar 45s deliver an impressive range of 340-plus nautical miles, meaning you can easily take the boats over from Florida to the Bahamas and back without refueling.
Visit axopar.com for more information.