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Carbonation May Combat Asian Carp

By August 31, 2016No Comments

The fight against Asian carp rages on: Scientists in La Crosse, Michigan, are now using carbonation to combat the spread of the invasive species. 

Bighead and silver Asian carp have spread through the U.S. and are threatening to move into the Great Lakes, where it’s feared they would demolish the commercial and sport fishing industries. Scientists have tried multiple strategies — from fish poison to underwater sound and electric barriers — to prevent the spread of Asian carp.

A recent study by the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center has found that Asian carp avoid water that has been injected with carbon dioxide. Carbonated water has the same effect on native fish species, however, so it would have to be used selectively. Researchers say the carbonation would have no effect on humans — in fact, people probably wouldn’t even notice carbonated water. Researchers say using carbonated water would be ideal in commercial and recreational waterways, such as on the Mississippi River.

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Photo by  Kate Gardiner