March 19, 2020
Evinrude Launches New 150-hp Power Tiller
vinrude has added to its lineup of marine engines with the E-TEC G2 Power Tiller, the industry’s first 150-hp tiller-controlled outboard with integrated power steering assist and digital shift and…
March 16, 2020
Campion Boats Announces Muskoka M26 Model
March 16, 2020
CMC Signs Deal with Marlow Yachts
CMC Marine has signed a new contract with Marlow Yachts to provide the boatbuilder with Stabilis Electra stabilizer fins on its Marlow Explorer model.
March 13, 2020
Seakeeper Unveils Smallest Gyro Stabilizer Ever
March 12, 2020
Four Great Lakes Break Water Level Records in February
PHOTO BY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERSAlthough February was relatively dry, four of the Great Lakes (all except for Lake Ontario) saw record-breaking water levels last month, according to the…
March 12, 2020
Enbridge Chooses New Contractors for Line 5 One Day After Calls for a Halt Were Filed
PHOTO BY joeldinda/FLICKRThe company responsible for the proposed Line 5 tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac, Enbridge Energy, announced on March 6 that it had selected contractors for the project…