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Dometic’s New Powered Coolers Feature an Ice Maker!

By January 23, 2020No Comments

Dometic’s newest generation of powered coolers is here, boasting features no other coolers on the market have. The new CFX3 series has models that feature a USB charging port, a high-resolution weatherproof display, an app that monitors the temperature and efficiency of the whole system, as well as Bluetooth connection. The coolers also feature Dometic’s VMSO3 variable speed compressor, which can maintain refrigerated or freezing temperatures down to -7 degrees Fahrenheit. 

In addition to the main refrigerated section, the CFX3 551M model is equipped with a rapid-freezing plate chamber inside the unit with silicone ice-trays that can make ice — making it the world’s first cooler to offer this feature. Now you don’t need to bring bags of ice onboard, you can make it while you’re already on the water!

The CFX3 series coolers start at $899.99. To learn more, visit

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