If a day on the boat, by the water, or fishing is your favorite way to relax, you’re not alone. To raise awareness for the restorative power of recreational boating and fishing, especially in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, Take Me Fishing and Discover Boating have launched a new public service campaign called Get On Board. The campaign invites people to gear up, get out and leave stress in their wake while social distancing.
According to research from the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF), one in three anglers say “getting away from the usual demands of life” is what they love most about fishing.
“Fishing isn’t just about the fish,” says Stephanie Vatalaro, senior vice president of marketing and communications for RBFF. “People have long turned to fishing and boating for stress relief. Given the uncertainty in today’s world, there’s something uniquely appealing about the calming effect of the water. For many people, fishing and boating are lifelines to mental health and wellness.”
Learn more at TakeMeFishing.org/GetOnBoard or DiscoverBoating.com, and join the movement on social media using the hashtag #TheWaterIsOpen.