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Great Lakes Commission Launches ErieStat

By June 7, 2016No Comments

The Great Lakes Commission has launched ErieStat, an information platform that will be used to track progress made toward meeting the goal of reducing phosphorus loads in the Western Lake Erie Basin by 40 percent. Canada and the United States agreed on the 40 percent reduction goal earlier this year under Annex 4 of the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. ErieStat will track progress for Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Ontario.

Excess phosphorus contributes to harmful algal blooms, which can be harmful to ecosystems and surrounding communities.

ErieStat will also bring together water quality experts to determine standardized measurements to track progress made towards the 40 percent goal. The experts will also discuss other potential investments to reduce phosphorus in the area. ErieStat is part of the Great Lakes Commission’s Blue Accounting, an innovative program that looks at ways to protect the Great Lakes region as a whole.

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