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Great Lakes Seafood Workshop Scheduled in Milwaukee

By April 12, 2016No Comments

This May, Milwaukee, Wisconsin will host the Great Lakes Regional Seafood Workshop. The event will be held from May 9-12, and attendees will receive seafood quality and safety training, with the goal of increasing technical knowledge and understanding of critical global, national, regional and local issues related to seafood safety and human health.

Although the workshop is geared towards food technologists, dieticians, nutritionists, extension agents and seafood industry professionals, organizers also encourage restaurant managers, culinary professionals, journalists and students to attend.

Attendees will learn more about seafood products from aquaculture and wild caught sources in relation to nutrition, health benefits and risks, food safety, harvest and production methods, distribution, marketing and more. Issues of national and local interest will be discussed. The workshop includes lectures, demonstrations and tours.

The University of Delaware Sea Grant, the Great lakes Sea Grant Network and the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences are sponsoring the event. It will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Continuing Education Conference Center.

For more information, visit

[Photo from Michigan Sea Grant]