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Green Bay Coated With Ice

By April 2, 2014No Comments

Just when we thought winter might be over, the International Space Station snapped a photo which reminded us once again that, no, spring has not yet arrived. 

The photo shown above was taken by one of the Expedition 28 crew members at the International Space Station and captures the city of Green Bay, Wisconsin completely coated with snow and ice. The caption reads, “…The heavy snowfalls of the winter of 2014 cover the landscape. Combined with low sun illumination of a winter day, all surfaces appear as shades of gray…The center of the city lies on the Fox River, one of the few larger rivers in the United States that flow north. Open water appears as dark patches at the mouth of the river where a power station emits warm water. Thinner (grayer) ice can be detected where slightly warmer water extends from the river mouth towards Long Tail Point, an ancient shoreline of the bay.”

The 2013-2014 winter in the Great Lakes region was one for the record books. More than 93.29 percent of Lake Michigan was covered with ice in early March. Many other shorelines, including Green Bay, were completely frozen, as were parts of the Chicago shoreline and the Straits of Mackinaw. 

Photo courtesy of NASA