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Group Releases Plan to Decommission Line 5

By January 26, 2018No Comments

Oil & Water Don’t Mix, an organization campaigning against Enbridge’s Line 5, has developed and released a Line 5 Decommission plan that it claims the state could take to shut down Line 5 in a safe and efficient way.

The Enbridge Line 5 pipeline runs through the Straits of Mackinac, an environmentally sensitive area that locals fear would be devastated in the face of a pipeline leak. The 65-year-old pipeline carries 23 million gallons of light crude oil and some natural gas through the Straits every day. Environmentalists have been pushing for the pipeline to be shut down. In recent months, it was discovered that Enbridge knew of missing sections of protective enamel on parts of the pipeline. While waiting for an official state analysis, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed a binding agreement late last year with Enbridge that requires the company to improve environmental protections and transparency.

Oil & Water is asking members to the public to endorse its decommissioning plan and share it with others in order to get the attention of state officials.

Highlights of the plan include:

  1. 1- The Attorney General or Governor immediately files a legal action against Enbridge to enforce ongoing violations of the Easement Agreement pursuant to public trust law.
  2. 2- Governor Snyder directs the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) to examine alternatives for providing propane to the Upper Peninsula.
  3. 3- Governor Snyder directs the MPSC to examine alternatives for transport of light crude oil produced in northern Michigan to refining operations.
  4. 4- MPSC moves forward with alternatives to meet Michigan’s needs.
  5. 5- Line 5 is disassembled and removed from the Straits and state has a plan for the removal of the rest of Line 5.

The plan can be read in full here: