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Line 5 Coating Has Failed in Spots

By March 16, 2017No Comments

At a March Michigan Pipeline Safety Advisory Board meeting, Enbridge officials admitted that the outer coating layer on Line 5 has failed in places — a repair the company usually doesn’t take care of. The Line 5 is a controversial pipeline running under the Straits of Mackinac.

Enbridge officials told the state board that Line 5 faces “delamination” — spots where the multi-layered anti-corrosion coating has been completely lost, leaving bare metal exposed — in 18 places on the pipeline. Enbridge has said it will investigate the delaminated areas further, after contradicting statements from the company left many confused. 

The Line 5 pipeline has caused concerns among Great Lakes citizens and environmentalists over the past few years due to its age and concerns that an oil spill would irreparably harm local ecosystems. Enbridge, which maintains the pipeline, has assured the public that Line 5 works properly and presents no immediate danger to the environment.
Find more Line 5 coverage at
Photo by Jimmy Yeh/Flickr