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Malibu Boats Contributes to Children’s Organizations

By January 4, 2016No Comments
Malibu Boats staff and factory personnel raised more than $7,000 for Toys for Tots and The Angel Tree Program, two charitable non-profits that provide gifts to disadvantaged children.

This year several departments raised money through various efforts, from raffling off televisions and autographed memorabilia to making special lunches and selling tickets. Malibu plans to match all of the funds raised. The Malibu staff garners donations for both programs every year.

“Our staff’s creativity and excitement fueled a friendly competition for who could bring the most joy to dozens of children this holiday season. Malibu staff are hoping that their example will inspire others to support these excellent causes,” the company says in a statement. “Every year, our people prove why they’re the heart and soul of our company by going above and beyond to bring toys to these children.”

To learn more about these organizations, please visit and For more information on Malibu, visit