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Michigan Sea Grant Announces $1.5M in New Research Projects

By February 23, 2022No Comments


Michigan Sea Grant has funded its most recent group of research projects to extend from 2022 to 2024, with $1.5 million from the Sea Grant, Michigan Department of Environment’s Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund and various university partners going to fund four new research projects and three graduate research fellowships.

The projects help to restore critical environmental resources of the Great Lakes and bring together a collection of teams from Michigan to research topics ranging from invasive species to water resource management, in hopes to provide science-based information to decision makers and a wide array of agencies and research institutions.

The Great Lakes support over 3,500 species of plants and animals, in addition to a population of 34 million people who rely on the lakes for their employment, water, recreation and more.

“These awards represent one of our largest contributions to date for supporting critical research aimed at helping to manage our Great Lakes resources,” says Tom Johengen, Michigan Sea Grant director.

“Michigan Sea Grant is funding four research projects that address topics that were identified by stakeholders as current areas of interest and need in the Great Lakes,” adds Michigan Sea Grant Research Program Manager Michael Fraker. “We also are funding three graduate fellows who will be working closely with agency sponsors on research projects relevant to current ecological, habitat and management issues.”

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