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Navy Pier Marina Expected to Bring in More Than $11 Million Annually

By April 24, 2020No Comments

The new all-transient Navy Pier Marina that will span Navy Pier’s north side starting in 2021 is expected to generate a good chunk of change. Thanks to calculations by the University of Florida and Virginia Institute of Marine Science, the new marina is expected to produce more than $11 million annually to the local economy. It will also add more than 100 new jobs to the Chicago market.

“The impact of the marina is far reaching,” says Randy D. Podolsky, project developer. “Navy Pier Marina will serve the local boaters, create jobs, create new businesses and business opportunities, support existing businesses and generate tax revenue. Boaters, for the first time, will have an easy place to stop and spend their money locally, which will significantly increase revenue for both local businesses at Navy Pier and the city.”

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