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New Flapping Fins by DMS Holland Guarantee Stability

By July 18, 2018No Comments

Fast-planing motorboats under 30 meters will now be more steady thanks to stabilisers from DMS Holland. The updated design means smaller, cheaper and more effective AntiRoll flapping fins that the company launched last year. In addition, the fins attach to the transom of the boat instead of the main section of the hull and are easier to install.

They also can be tucked in behind the transom when the boat is at high speed, thanks to the 360-degree rotation and their ability to rotate on two axes. At a lower speed, the fins turn outward and rotate up and down to reduce side to side motions. The fins, with their specialized design, create 50 to 75 percent less drag than other conventional fins. When the boat is at rest, the fins move up and down, giving the boat extra leverage.

The fins are ideal for shaftdrive or IPS-powered boats. To learn more about them, visit