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New Minnesota Law Requires AIS Trailer Decals

By February 4, 2015No Comments

Great Lake states are cracking down on Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) such as Zebra mussels and Eurasian watermilfoil that cause economic or environmental harm.

Minnesota is now requiring that everyone trailering a boat, watercraft or water-related equipment within the state — like docks or lifts — must complete an AIS course to receive a trailer decal. The state-specific AIS decals will be required on trailers by July 1, 2015.

The online training course will be available starting January 31 at If you have multiple boats, you only need to take the course once. You will need to complete the AIS course and pay the fee to get a new decal every three years. If you buy a new boat and trailer that does not have the decal but you have completed the course, you will be able to purchase a decal for that trailer. Even trailers simply passing through the state will be required to display a decal.

For more information, visit