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OCEANR and Suzuki Launch Initiative to Remove Plastic Waste from Oceans

By February 22, 2023No Comments


Suzuki and sustainable apparel manufacturer OCEANR have joined forces to facilitate the removal of thousands of kilograms of plastic waste from oceans as part of Suzuki’s ongoing global Clean Ocean Project.

For every outboard sold in the UK from now until the end of March 2023, they will facilitate the removal of 1kg of plastic waste from oceans. Suzuki will also be giving customers an exclusive custom-designed Suzuki/OCEANR hoodie made from a mix of sustainably harvested organic cotton and recycled polyester. 

We are thrilled to be able to launch this exciting new campaign which we believe can help make a real difference to our oceans. As we know, plastic pollution is a huge problem, and it is through collective and collaborative action such as this that will have the biggest impact,” says Mark Beeley, head of ATV & Marine for Suzuki GB. “The initial launch phase for this project will be until the end of March, but we are hopeful of being able to extend this to a longer-term commitment in partnership with OCEANR as I believe our ethos is very much aligned with theirs.”

Originally started as a global network of beach cleanup activities, the Clean Ocean Project has expanded to include technological innovations like Suzuki’s integrated microplastics collection device that currently comes standard on DF115 and DF140s. OCEANR partners with companies around the world to help support and grow sustainability objectives though custom apparel and product ranges using sustainable materials and ethical practices. 

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