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Ohio Clean Marinas Program To Offer Spring Virtual Workshops

By April 14, 2021April 16th, 2021No Comments


Since its start in 2003, the Ohio Clean Marinas Program has worked with state, federal and local agencies, marina owners and marine trades industry associations to successfully strike a balance between environmental sustainability and economic stability for the marina industry in Ohio. 

The Ohio Clean Marinas Program — a partnership between Ohio Sea Grant and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Parks and Watercraft and Office of Coastal Management — provides educational and technical assistance. 

The Ohio Marina Conference hosted in February featured an awards ceremony honoring The Mentor Harbor Yachting Club with Platinum Certification status in 2020 and naming the Huron Lagoons Marina as the Marina of the Year. In addition, the conference featured Mary Mertz, director of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Dr. Chris Winslow, director of Ohio Sea Grant, and offered educational sessions on a variety of topics. 

And there are ongoing opportunities for education. Conference recordings can be accessed at, and additional virtual workshops to help educate marinas about the Clean Marinas program will be held today, April 19, from 1 – 3 p.m. for coastal marinas, and April 21 from 1 – 3 p.m. for inland marinas.

To register for a session, visit

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